Link to website for the Tobias MORAVEK homestead, known today as : J & Y Brown's Lodge

"The barn in the back ground of most of the photos is still there as well.  The home was built in the early 1900’s by Tobias and Frances Moravek. All five of the daughters then homesteaded within a mile of their original home.  The actual year the home was built is on a photo in the house, next time I get up there, I will see if I can get that for you.  My parents (Joe & Yvonne PEROUTEK) moved into the house in 1971, after Grandpa and Grandma (Peck & Leona PEROUTEK) built their new house in town.  When dad first moved in, he woke up from a sound sleep one night and couldn’t get back to sleep, so he walked out to the kitchen to get a drink.  As he walked out of his bedroom, there was a man standing there at the banister in an old coat and hat, he raised his hand as if to wave, then disappeared.  Dad swears to this day that it was his Grandpa Frank (PEROUTEK) just coming to wish him well in their home.  There is a lot of history in that old house, which is why we all insist on keeping it up even though none of us can afford to live in Esbon and make a living anymore!"

Renee Thompson Nov. 2005


"A few interesting things to add about the “farm house.”  I noticed that on your website you have noted that Emma Moravek died of appendicitis at 38 years.  She died in the room I slept in.  If you look at the picture of the house on your website it would be the room right through the door on the balcony in front.
Also, Dad has always talked about his great-grandmother living in her own “quarters” in the house when he was a little boy.  Those “quarters” eventually turned into the master bedroom.  You can still see where the original door had been.  He said he remembered she had her own cook stove in her room and she would sit in her rocking chair but all she could speak was bohemian so he could never understand her.  I would assume this would have been Frances Moravek but I would have to ask Dad for sure."

LaVonna Rutherford Nov. 2005