Commentary - Sean McGINNIS
pour version français.
questions which guide his work:
What is the relatioship
between chaos and order?
What inspires or
attracts me? Why?
What is art that
has integrity without being reactionary or destructive?
What is art that
isn't afraid of the past nor over concerned with the future?
What is the truth
of the soul or the inner life?
What does my gut
What do I believe?
The Artistic Pursuits
of Sean McGINNIS
Crossing three genres
of artistic production, the artistic investigations of Sean McGINNIS
follow a single goal. Whether in sculpture, painting or photographs,
the intimacy of the human interior is revealed in the details
of the external body, particularily the hands and feet. By concentrating
on close-ups, details, and cropped forms, the artist seeks to
rediscover the language of the body during the modern vogue for
virtual thought and the intellectialism of art. By returning to
the body - a common reference for each human, who is perhaps lost
in the devaluation of the individual in our ever globalising world
- Mr. McGinnis seeks to bring us back to simple truths, rediscovered.
Simple truths revealed and redefined in the light of our new understandings
of the universe, here at the beginning of a new millenium.
His work is noted
for its "sculpting" of form with color.
Mr. McGinnis, who was born and raised on the central plains of
the United States, lived ten years in Tucson, Arizona before moving
to France in 1997. This latter radical upheaval was chosen, not
only to have him face the challenges of confronting a foreign
culture and to experience the subsequent personal growth that
that precipitates, but simply because Paris is the environment
where he finds himself the most inspired of anywhere he has yet
lived or visited. As integrity of inspiration is essential to
his pursuits, the decision to relocate would appear to be inevitable.
He spends his days working in his studio on the edge of the ninth
arrondissement, which has a particular ambundance of the light
known to be unique to Northern France. It is there that he paints
and photographs.

Nomade) (Contacte) (Information)
(Guestbook-Livre d'Or)
(F-B2) (Paintings-Tableaux/KARIM)
(McG 2) (McG
(Photos/McGINNIS)(Photos/MOYSOULIER) (Prints-Estampes)
(Poems/McGINNIS) (Poems/SWADLEY)