Poem Gallery - Works by Sean McGinnis

Galerie de poémes - Oeuvres de Sean McGinnis

last updated 26-04-2000


My my


My name is in a language I can't speak
locked in my lack of comprehension

My room drifts on the night sea
I feel the water under the boards

I direct the light with two mirrors
one in each hand

My face, always backwards
or photocopied

My body, a glove I wear
to protect myself from hasardous elements

I rasp my face with caloused palms
shudder under the warm shower

stand up to meet the day.


Sean McGinnis





The river
inhales and rises
dissolving the rushes
leaving the bobbing seed heads
to be engulfed, swallowed last
silently -
the plane rises - under it swirling
above, the wind vibrates
still the river rises, without words
or breath, it rises -
touching the crevices of the tree bark
it reveals them as columns
with frayed - exploded ends
one above, one perfectly below
the river rises -
as it runs through my waist
into my back - out of my stomach -
rising again it touches my nipples
blowing my hair in fish dances.

Rising, the sun and moon make
silver and gold mirrors of it, and it rises.

Sister, there on high ground -
in the grasses with golden heads -
like seas - swelling - I tell you of
the river - that is flooding - that
will reach you, even as you stand
on dry ground, brown earth imprinting your soles.

The river pulls - emptying the eddying pools
dislodging the stagnant waters
As soon as you can receive me
it will surround you - even where you

The cocoon, of paper and string - and
plastic bags - winds itself ever tighter
layer on layer condensing, constricting
It takes nothing to pop it
a child's index finger, poking -
the smallest breeze
the tightness - is suseptible to all
triggers - and it tightens -
look forward to the burst and the birth
and the beginning - when the tight package - radiates itself into the
spiraling river
sister, come here to the dry land
with the raging river
I will sink you in it
and you will move - and you will see
the ocean and you will lap the
edges of the continents
your blue skin lit by stars -
your face turned to the center.

Rise, into the clouds - fill the valleys
flow into the lowlands -
touch the reeds - pull them under
circle the trees.


Sean McGinnis

22 fev. 1995

copyright 1999


These poems may not be reproduced or copied in any way without expressed written permission of the author. All poems are the copyright of Sean McGinnis. All rights reserved.

Ces poèmes ne doivents pas être reproduits ou copiers en aucune façon sans la permission éxpresse écrite de leur auteur. Ces poèmes sont la propiété de Sean McGinnis. Tous droits réservés.



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